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Pagina 5 ~ Knitwear and Crafts

Knitwear design on ravelry and crafts , diy for the new house. My attempts to decorate the empty house plus my knitwear design that I publish on ravelry from time to time. I'm open to try a lot of new diy's. I'm experimenting with a lot of crafts from beading, sewing, knitting, woodworking and furniture building, not because I couldn't buy all of these but just because I think I deserve something unique of good quality , good materials and at reasonable prices.

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Mobilier, decoratiuni, materiale de constructii!Protectie Site WebPromovare Site OnlineGazduire Web IeftinaAnuntul BucurestiSonerii TelefonIncalzire, climatizare, materiale de constructii!Acoperisuri, terase, materiale de constructii!Sisteme si set dusDeratizare, dezinsectieHaine Si Accesorii de FirmaService IT in BucurestiRomania Pe Netmedia maxTRADUCERI AUTORIZATE, LEGALIZARI, SUPRALEGALIZARI, APOSTILEprognoza vremii in romaniaromania ora exactaBratari ShamballaSilktrans- Traduceri autorizate CraiovaServicii de optimizare seo
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