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Pagina 2 ~ the many faces of depression

Depression typically has the symptoms of sadness, loss of energy, feelings of guilt and anxiety and loss of self esteem. There can be changes in appetite and sleep. The depressive illness can range from interfering with our usual activities and relationships (mild to moderate depression) to making it hard to relate or communicate with others or to do day-to-day tasks ( debilitating or severe depression). Depression symptoms can affect anyone regardless of race, culture and social class.

Pagina 2 ~ Alte saloane din aceeasi categorie:

DepresiaTerapia coloanei vertebrale masaj terapeuticTratamente NaturisteSpondilita anchilozantacancer causes and remedies part fourthe many faces of depressiondiabetes treatment the 3 fundamental pillars you need to knowLymphedemaAcnee, cosuri tratamente si remedii de succesCancerulNoi tratamente pentru cancerTratament prostatasalina iasiDe ce eu| Campanie hepatita C| Tu stii de CHemoroizi Tratament NaturistHemoroizi TratamentHemoroizi PozeBetter Healt, Cancer, MesotheliomaBoli venericeBoli ginecologice
Pagina 2

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